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إنسحاب السباح التونسي تقي مرابط في تصفيات 400 م متنوع رجال بعد مشاركة سباح إسرائيلي

barcha a3bed i9oulou faute technique !! mais respect ken tatla3 es7i7a


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إنسحاب السباح التونسي تقي مرابط في تصفيات 400 م متنوع رجال بعد مشاركة سباح إسرائيلي

barcha a3bed i9oulou faute technique !! mais respect ken tatla3 es7i7a


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قالوا إشتراكية… قالوا رأسمالية… قالوا علمانية… وقال الفاروق عمر : (نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام، وإن ابتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله)…

رضي الله عنك يا سيدنا عمر بن الخطاب ، ولا قول بعد قولك أيها الفاروق..

Modifié (le) par walidoosss


Of Ms. Castelnuovo’s picture, Mr. Witty said, “It is an evocative image not easily forgotten.” He noted, “The red arc ominously takes the shape of a sickle.” The picture was taken on Shuhada Street in Hebron. As Ms. Castelnuovo recalled it:

The streets were mostly empty. I stopped to photograph some settlers marking the Jewish holiday of Purim. They were passing around a bottle of wine, toasting the holiday, nothing out of the ordinary. I noticed a Palestinian woman walking along the shut-down stores. A group of settlers were walking in the middle of the street in the opposite direction when one of them took a step towards her. I instinctually raised the camera.

She didn’t scream or stop, she hurried up the street and vanished around the corner. I was left angered and saddened — as if the wine hit me.

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