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Sparta last won the day on November 25 2024

Sparta had the most liked content!

1 abonné

À propos de Sparta

  • Date de naissance 07/09/1985

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Sparta's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Hamdoulah 7.0
  2. Kalem salah zahra 3andou iptv momtez
  3. Maw khatrek 9otli ili 9balha masta Si slimane le ena l keteb azzouz howa karim w titou howa dehesh
  4. Aychekom louled hamdoulah merci bcp 3la klemekom loumour mrigla mazelou 4 7al9at rabi i3adihom 3la khir
  5. Rafel ena bidi 3jebni barcha ragouj menich maghroum bih ma ritouch min 3amnewel sahbek rajel jawou behy tfarjou fih kolkom masnou3 b ayedi mkach5a donc oumourou mrigla
  6. Ena f sif b 700 dabaret rdv w war9a mil utica 3la ases affilié ghady w aslan l passeport hazitou ba3d mil utica
  7. Non 3bed 3adeya b 400/500 dinars idabrelek rdv
  8. Marmoush ne va pas réussir khater c est le genre de joueur ili lezem dima ikawer w Pep ma3andouch 11 dima ikawrou ti meme pas 14 3andou 20 wehed kolhom potentiel titulaire rajel kol tore7 b gardien
  9. Tekhou nourmouh wela WhatsApp ?
  10. Ya khouya yemchi w yefti w yetdalel w ya3mlhom kol howa 7or sahby yohkem 3mal k weld khalti 9ali jibelna netfarjou fih f dar men ghir ma netlamou m3a 3bed 9otlou ch9awlek nzidek dorra temchi m3ak l zebra? Ya wildi ma tfasarlouch a3ml ili trah sala7 ma tahkich m3ah
  11. Merci bcp rhayem 😍 nestanew tawa ray @mou7a bech ta3ref sahbek shyh rajel f ghorba bech yetfarej kbal @abdelhamid c w @Taraji Dream f tounes
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