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Tough day. I've seen coaches as well as friends come and go. No matter how many years I've been playing, it's still hard to deal with. I had a good relationship with Mike and I will continue to have one. I wish him and his family nothing but the best. I spoke with him today and thanked him for all of his hard work and sacrifice.

As a team, we must focus our energy on tonight's game. We must block out the weight of today's news and simply do our jobs to the best of our ability.

I'm not sure what direction we are heading in next. All I can do is focus on the here and now.

Mamba out

Kobe Bryant sur FB

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Finale bulls contre jazz en 98

Ce tir a 2 points a donne la victoire et le titre, le 6e, et le 3e du come back de MJ

Les bulls ont gagne 4-2 grace a ce tir

Ken sadda9ni Rabbi, MJ etait malade ce soir la, il a meme vomi

Et il a mis 45 points

La bale etait chez les jazz, qui menaient au score, et il restait 30'

Jordan pique la balle, remonte, ridiculise son adversaire et tire en suspension

Il est reste 2 ans en l air

Un moment magique

LA période NBA :) avec la boxe aussi sur canal horizon, je mettais le réveil exprès à des heures pas possible pour voir tous ces matchs. La belle époque vraiment!

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Finale bulls contre jazz en 98

Ce tir a 2 points a donne la victoire et le titre, le 6e, et le 3e du come back de MJ

Les bulls ont gagne 4-2 grace a ce tir

Ken sadda9ni Rabbi, MJ etait malade ce soir la, il a meme vomi

Et il a mis 45 points

La bale etait chez les jazz, qui menaient au score, et il restait 30'

Jordan pique la balle, remonte, ridiculise son adversaire et tire en suspension

Il est reste 2 ans en l air

Un moment magique

Non, Pippen était blessé au dos ! MJ était malade lors du Game 5 de la finale 97 ! Il avait marqué 38 points ce jour là dont un trois points hyper important à moins d'une minute de la fin après une passe de Pippen qui a attiré deux défenseurs en jouant dos au panier :) Chicago était mené de 18 points durant la première mi-temps.


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Mike D'Antoni futur coach des Lakers.

la piste Phil Jackson, qui demande entre 10 et 15 millions $ par an pour signer, aurait été abandonnée

les dirigent des Lakers fond n'importe quoi

Jackson parle de comment il a appris que D'Antoni est coach des LAL alors que les dirigent été supposé attendre ça réponse le lendemain

“We talked for over an hour and a half. No contractual terms were discussed and we concluded with a handshake and an understanding that I would have until Monday [today] to come back to them with my decision. I did convey to them that I did have the confidence that I could do the job. I was awakened at midnight Sunday by a phone call from Mitch Kupchak. He told me that the Lakers had signed Mike D’Antoni to a three-year agreement and that they felt he was the best coach for the team. The decision is of course theirs to make. I am gratified by the groundswell of support from the Laker fans who encouraged my return and it is the principal reason why I considered the possibility.”

Sorting Out The Lakers’ Mess

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